You take a small side path leading into the nicer neighborhood. As you walk amongst rows of houses that are slight larger than your own, you pass by the playground. It's late so no kids are playing on it, but this area is usually pretty lively. It has been steadily become quiet these days... You feel as though haven't heard sounds laughter and playful screaming of neighborhood's kids in quite a while now. \n\nA couple feet ahead of you is a narrow street. Parked on the side of the street is a police cruiser. As you pass by you [[turn your head]] to see the officer to see if anyone is in the vehicle.
<<set $snack to "skittles">>\nYou grab a packet of <<print $snack >>. Fruity and sweet, just they way you like your candy. You rotate the packet in your hands, but as you do so, you feel as though you are being [[watched]].
<<set $drink to "Arizona Iced Tea">><<set $hasBag to "true">>\nYou grab a can of <<print $drink>>. You want something sweet but not carbonated, tea is always the best way to go. You pay for your <<print $snack>> and <<print $drink>> before you [[depart the gas station]].
<<timedreplace 1s >> Shelly Frey was shot in the neck and died after failing to stop for an off-duty sheriff's deputy in Houston, Texas. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 4s >> The 27-year-old mother of was suspected of shoplifting at a Houston Walmart. <<endtimedreplace>>
You run straight home in the rain. Your hair and shoulders are soaking wet with the cold rain, but you made it back without getting too wet. It was kind of nice to feel the cold rain on your face, now you should probably take a shower to warm up.
Once in the beverage isle you pick out a beverage.\n\nYou choose:\n\n[[Soda]]\n[[Iced Tea]]\n[[Water]]
<<timedreplace 1s >> "I haven't done anything wrong!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 3s >>"I SAID, HANDS BEHIND YOU BACK!" <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>"Officer, I-" <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 6s >> He violently grabs one of your arms, twisting it forcibly behind your back. You struggle due to shock. The officer thinks your resisting, puts his gun in his halter, and maneuvers his arm around your neck. He crushes your airway. You both fall to the ground, his body weight is on top of yours.\n<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 14s >>[[You can't breathe]].<<endtimedreplace>>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n\n<<timedreplace 6s >>This is what happens when you wear your hoodie with the hood up. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>Apparently you were shot by neighborhood watch coordinator.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 16s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 19s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 23s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n
You hit your face on the wet concrete.\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>"DON'T FUCKING MOVE!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 4s >>You don't. You just lie there. The officer holds you down with his knee, places his gun back, and cuffs your hands behind your back. He begins calling for back up on his radio.\n\nIt is hard to breathe with the weight of a full grown man weighing on your back. You squirm in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure. The officer sees you squirming and thinks you are trying to fight him off you. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 15s >>"I SAID DON'T FUCKING MOVE!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 17s >>He reaches for his [[waistband]].<<endtimedreplace>>
<<timedreplace 2s >>(What did you do?) You slowly put your snacks down on the wet concrete, and you stay still with your hands in the air.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 7s >>"HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 10s >> The officer directly behind you, gun pointed at your back.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 13s >>\n[[Insist that you haven't done anything wrong]]\n[[Follow his orders]]?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\n
You try to wrestle the gun out of his hand. He is much larger thn you so your efforts are futile. You wrestle on the wet grass. You end up face down, his body weight keeping you down, and you feel the gun pressed to your [[back]].\n\n
<embed src="Desktop/Ding.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n<<timedreplace 2s >>You walk out casually as if whatever was shouted did not concern you. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>But aren't you forgetting something?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 7s >>[[Turn your head]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n
<big>Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police at Home, 1999-2014:</big>\n\n<strong>Kathryn Johnston</strong>, 92, Atlanta, Georg.-Nov. 21, 2006\n\n<strong>Aiyana Jones Aiyana Jones</strong>, 7, Detroit, Mich.—May 16, 2010\n\n<strong>Rumain Brisbon</strong>, 34, Phoenix, Ariz.—Dec. 2, 2014\n\n<strong>Akai Gurley</strong>, 28, Brooklyn, NY—Nov. 20, 2014\n\n<strong>Yvette Smith</strong>, 47, Bastrop, Texas—February 16, 2014\n\n<strong>Carlos Alcis</strong>, 43, New York, N.Y.—August 15, 2013\n\n<strong>Shereese Francis</strong>, 30, New York, N.Y.—March 15, 2012\n\n<strong>Wendell Allen</strong>, 20, New Orleans, La.—March 7, 2012\n\n<strong>Ramarley Graham</strong>, 18, New York, N.Y.—February 2, 2012\n\n<strong>Kiwane Carrington</strong>, 15, Champaign, Ill.—October 9, 2009\n\n<strong>Aaron Campbell</strong>, 25, Portland, Ore.—January 29, 2010\n\n<strong>Shem Walker</strong>, 49, New York, N.Y.—July 11, 2009\n\n<strong>Tarika Wilson</strong>, 26, Lima, Ohio—January 4, 2008\n\n<strong>Alberta Spruill</strong>, 57, New York, N.Y.—May 16, 2003\n\n<strong>Amadou Diallo</strong>, 23, New York, N.Y.—Feb. 4, 1999
<<timedreplace 1s >>"HEY! STOP THAT---!<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>You bolt out of the doors and outside into rain. It had started raining while you were in the gas station, and the cold rain came as a shock to your skin.<<endtimedreplace>> \n\n<<timedreplace 6s >>But didn't you forget something?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>What about the officer who was just outside the station?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>[[Run ]]<<endtimedreplace>>
You don't move them behind you back fast enough and the officer gets violent. He shoves the tip of the gun into your upper back and forcibly grabs one of your arms, twisting it behind your back. The officer thinks you are trying to resist and shoves you to the [[ground]].\n\n\n\n
<<timedreplace 1s >>"F**K YOU!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>The officer searches you and locates the stolen item.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>"Alright kid I'm going to have to [[take you in]]!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n
<<set $ran to "true">> <<set $shot8times to "true">><<timedreplace 8s >>This is what happens when you run.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 11s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 14s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 17s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/gunshot.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n
You decide to walk home in the rain. As you get closer to your house you walk past the playground. No one is outside of course because of the weather. You run by the same police crusier from earlier, this time its much darker outside and the window wipers are on so you can't see the inside of the vehicle. You continue your run and eventually make it back home safe and sound. You are a bit wet from walking in the rain, but you just didn't really feel like running. Now that you are back, you decide to warm yourself up a little.
You decide to go to the gas station to grab snack. It's early spring and still a bit chilly outside, and the sky shows signs of potential rain. You grab your navy blue hoodie before you [[head out ]]just in case.
Even though this man is a racist scum bag, you are not a theif. You will show this man than you are not all the same. With your glare locked on this man, you put down the snickers before you [[depart the gas station]].
You pull you hood over your head. The cold rain would probably make you sick if you leave your head exposed. You could start\n[[walking home ]]and suffer through the cold rain, or[[run home ]]to get out of this weather faster.
You decide to walk home in the rain. You are cold and wet when you get home, but that's just what you have to do these days to avoid getting killed. You wake up with a high fever the next day.\n\n<<timedreplace 8s >>But hey,<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 10s >> at least you're still alive?<<endtimedreplace>>
It's really cold outside and you don't want to stay out in this weather for too long, so you decide to run home. As you get closer to your house you run past the playground. No one is outside of course because of the weather. You run by the same police crusier from earlier, this time its much darker outside and the window wipers are on so you can't see the inside of the vehicle. You continue your run and eventually make it back home safe and sound.
(function () {\n version.extensions['timedreplaceMacro'] = {\n major: 2,\n minor: 3,\n revision: 0\n };\n macros['timedcontinue'] = macros['timedinsert'] = macros['timedreplace'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n function cssTimeUnit(s) {\n if (typeof s == "string") {\n if (s.slice(-2).toLowerCase() == "ms") {\n return Number(s.slice(0, -2)) || 0;\n }\n else if (s.slice(-1).toLowerCase() == "s") {\n return Number(s.slice(0, -1)) * 1000 || 0;\n }\n }\n throwError(g, s + " isn't a CSS time unit");\n return 0;\n }\n\n function tagcontents(starttag, endtag, k) {\n var a = b.source.slice(k);\n var l = 0;\n var c = "";\n for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n var w = endtag.length;\n if (a.substr(i, w) == endtag) {\n if (l == 0) {\n b.nextMatch = k + i + w;\n return c;\n }\n else {\n l--;\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n }\n else {\n if (a.substr(i, starttag.length) == starttag) {\n l++;\n }\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n }\n return "";\n }\n var tr = "<<" + e;\n var rw = "<<replacewith>>";\n var etr = "<<end" + e + ">>";\n var k = b.source.indexOf('>>', b.matchStart) + 2;\n var c, d;\n\t if (e == "timedcontinue") {\n\t d = b.source.slice(k);\n\t\tb.nextMatch = k + d.length;\n\t }\n else if (e == "timedreplace") {\n c = tagcontents(tr, rw, k);\n d = tagcontents((c ? rw : tr), etr, c ? b.nextMatch : k);\n }\n else if (e == "timedinsert") {\n d = tagcontents(tr, etr, k);\n }\n else if (e == "timedremove") {\n c = tagcontents(tr, etr, k);\n }\n var tm;\n tm = cssTimeUnit(f[0]);\n var h;\n if (c) {\n if (d) {\n g = insertElement(g, "span", null, "timedreplacements");\n }\n h = insertElement(g, "span", null, "timedreplacement timedremove");\n new Wikifier(h, c);\n if (d || e == "timedremove") {\n setTimeout(function () {\n h.classList.add("replacement-out");\n setTimeout(function () {\n h.parentNode.removeChild(h);\n }, 1000);\n }, tm);\n }\n }\n if (d) {\n var m = insertElement(g, "span", null, "timedreplacement timedinsert", d);\n = "none";\n setTimeout(function () {\n if (m) {\n var t = m.firstChild ? m.firstChild.nodeValue : "";\n removeChildren(m);\n new Wikifier(m, t);\n = "inline";\n m.classList.add("replacement-in");\n setTimeout(function () {\n m.classList.remove("replacement-in");\n }, 1);\n scrollWindowTo(m);\n }\n }, tm);\n }\n else if (!c && e != "timedremove") {\n throwError(g, "can't find matching end" + e);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n macros['timedremove'] = macros['timedreplace'];\n macros['replacewith'] = macros['endtimedinsert'] = macros['endtimedremove'] = macros['endtimedreplace'] = {\n handler: function () {}\n }\n scrollWindowTo=function(E){var D=window.scrollY?window.scrollY:document.body.scrollTop;\n var G=J(E);if(!G){return;}var C=Math.abs(D-G);var B=0;var I=(D>G)?-1:1;var F=window.setInterval(H,25);\n function H(){B+=0.1;window.scrollTo(0,D+I*(C*Math.easeInOut(B)));if(B>=1){window.clearInterval(F);\n }}function J(N){var O=A(N);var P=O+N.offsetHeight;var K=window.scrollY?window.scrollY:document.body.scrollTop;\n var L=window.innerHeight?window.innerHeight:document.body.clientHeight;var M=K+L;\n if(O>=K){if(P>M){if(N.offsetHeight<L){return(O-(L-N.offsetHeight)+20);}else{return O;\n }}}}function A(K){var L=0;while(K.offsetParent){L+=K.offsetTop;K=K.offsetParent;}return L;\n }};\n}());
You decide to stay home for the night. Good decision. The more time you spend at home the less likely you are to get [[killed]]. Unfortutately we can't all stay home forever.
<<set $snack to "skittles">>\nYou grab a packet of <<print $snack >>. Fruity and sweet, just they way you like your candy. You reaffirm your decision by rotating the packet in your hands.\n\nWill you [[go to the beverage aisle]] or [[leave without paying]]?\n\n
Your heart starts beating really fast. Perhaps its police officer yelling after a criminal and you don't want to be caught in the cross fire. You are scared, so you run faster. \n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>But you should no better than to [[run.]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/runningbeat.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>
<<timedreplace 5s >>This is what happens when you show signs of resistance.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 11s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 14s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 17s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n
"You know what, I'm going to leave. I don't have time for this racist bullshit nor do I have the money to spend at a business that is going to profile me the moment I walk through the doors."\n\n"Yeah okay, we don't need your business here."\n\nYou put back your <<print $snack>> and [[depart the gas station]].\n\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $TimerAddon = \nfunction()\n{\n\tvar div_timer_container = document.createElement('div');\n\tdiv_timer_container.setAttribute('id', 'timer');\n\n\tvar div_timer_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('id', 'timer_canvas');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('width', '150');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('height', '150');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.width = div_timer_canvas.width;\n\tdiv_timer_container.appendChild(div_timer_canvas);\n\t\n\tvar div_timer_text = document.createElement('span');\n\tdiv_timer_text.setAttribute('id', 'timer_text');\n\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = "Struggle";\n\tdiv_timer_container.appendChild(div_timer_text);\n\n\tvar Timer_Active = false;\n var Timer_Paused = false;\n\tvar Timer_Mode = 'none';\n\tvar Timer_Param = "";\n\tvar Timer_Max = 0;\n\tvar Timer_Now = 0;\n \n\tvar div_jonah_floater = document.getElementById('floater');\n\tif(div_jonah_floater) \t\tdiv_jonah_floater.appendChild(div_timer_container);\n\n\tvar div_sugarcane_menu = document.getElementById('sidebar');\n\tif(div_sugarcane_menu) div_sugarcane_menu.appendChild(div_timer_container);\n\n\tfunction StartTimer(val)\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Active = true;\n\t\tTimer_Paused = false;\n\t\tTimer_Max = val;\n\t\tTimer_Now = val;\n\t\ = 'block';\n\t\ = 'block';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction StopTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Active = false;\n\t\ = 'none';\n\t\ = 'none';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction PauseTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Paused = true;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction ResumeTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Paused = false;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerText(text)\n\t{\n\t\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = text;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerMode(mode)\n\t{\n\t\tif(mode == 'display')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Mode = 'display';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(mode == 'restart')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Mode = 'restart';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse Timer_Mode = 'none';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerParam(param)\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Param = param;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction OnTimerEnd()\n\t{\n\t\tStopTimer();\n\t\tif(Timer_Mode == 'restart')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Param) alert(Timer_Param);\n\t\t\twindow.location.reload(true);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} \n\t\telse if(Timer_Mode == 'display')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tstate.display(Timer_Param[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction OnTimerTick()\n\t{\n\t\t\n\n\t\tif(Timer_Active && !Timer_Paused)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Now = Timer_Now - 0.1;\n\t\t\tif (Timer_Now<= 3){\n\t\t\t\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = "TRY HARDER";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Now <= 0) Timer_Now = 0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvar context = div_timer_canvas.getContext("2d");\n\t\t\tdiv_timer_canvas.width = div_timer_canvas.width;\n\n\t\t\tvar x = div_timer_canvas.width / 2;\n\t var y = div_timer_canvas.height / 2;\n\t var radius = 65;\n\t var startAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI;\n\t \n\t var endAngle = (1.5 + (2 / Timer_Max * Timer_Now)) * Math.PI;\n\t var counterClockwise = false;\n\n\t context.beginPath();\n\t context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise);\n\t context.lineWidth = 15;\n if(div_jonah_floater) context.strokeStyle = "black";\n\t if(div_sugarcane_menu) context.strokeStyle = "#BBBBBB";\n\t context.stroke();\n\n\t\t\tcontext.font = 'bold 30px sans-serif';\n\t\t\tif(div_jonah_floater) context.fillStyle = "black";\n\t\t\tif(div_sugarcane_menu) context.fillStyle = "#BBBBBB";\n\t\t\tcontext.fillText(Timer_Now.toFixed(1), 55, 85);\n\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Now <= 0) OnTimerEnd();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tsetInterval(function(){ OnTimerTick(); }, 100); \n\n\tmacros['start_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tStartTimer(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['stop_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tStopTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['pause_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPauseTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['resume_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tResumeTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_text'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerText(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_mode'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerMode(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_param'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerParam(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n}\n>>\n<<print $TimerAddon()>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<timedreplace 5s >>This is what happens when you wear your hoodie with the hood up. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 8s >>Apparently you were shot by the neighborhood watch coordinator.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 15s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 19s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<set $shotintheback to "true">>\n<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n\n
<<timedreplace 1s >>"Yes, you were. unless you had to restock something at every aisle I visited." <<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>\n"Hey, I'm just trying to make sure nothing gets stolen, we've been having shoplifting lately."<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 6s >>\n[["Okay, but why are you only following me? There are plenty of other people in the store. Are you accusing me of shoplifting?"]]\n[["Yeah, whatever..."]] \nTake your <<print $snack>> and [[leave without paying for it.]]. <<endtimedreplace>>\n
You are handcuffed and placed in the back of the crusier, and driven to jail. You are finger printed and placed in a cell until someone bails you out.\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>But hey,<<endtimedreplace>> <<timedreplace 7s >>at least you are still alive.<<endtimedreplace>>
You grab a bottle of soda. Carbonated beverages are always your go to. Now that you have a snack and a drink to go with it, you decide to pay and head back home. At the check out counter you realize you forgot your card at home, you have some cash but it looks like you are short 50 cents. The owner tells you not to worry about it and reaches into a small bowl of change. He pulls out two quarters and tell you you are "all set." You thank him and he tells you to have a nice day. You[[ depart the gas station]].
You turn your head and remember that there was a police officer outside on his smoke breaking. He notices you and registers whats going on and begins to turn toward you.\n\nWill you [[give up]] or [[run for it]]?
<<set $drink to "Arizona Iced Tea">>\nYou grab a can of <<print $drink>>. You want something sweet but not carbonated, tea is always the best way to go. Now that you have a snack and a drink to go with it, you decide to pay and head back home. At the check out counter you realize you forgot your card at home, you have some cash but it looks like you are short 50 cents. The owner tells you not to worry about it and reaches into a small bowl of change. He pulls out two quarters and tell you you are "all set." You thank him and he tells you to have a nice day. You[[ depart the gas station]].
Its dusk. The sky is still lit by the setting sun, the air is cold as you expected, fortunately the gas station is only 4 blocks away and you know a short cut through a nicer neighborhood. The neighborhood is pretty quiet, however you've noticed that there has been a higher police presence in the area due to some reported criminal activity in the neighborhood a couple of minutes away from yours. The cold starts to get to you. You begin [[walking ]]to the gas station.
<<set $wearingHoodie to "true">>You pull you hood over your head. The cold rain would probably make you sick if you leave your head exposed.\n\nStart[[walking home]] and suffer through the cold rain\n[[Run home]] to get out of this weather faster.\n
<<set $drink to "water">><<set $hasBag to "true">>You grab a bottle of water. You just want something that will quench your thirst, what better beverage than water? You pay for your <<print $snack>> and <<print $drink>> before you [[depart the gas station]].
<<timedreplace 1s >>"Okay, okay! Its in my pocket!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 3s >>The officer releases you and you pull out the item. You hand it back to the owner and [[apologize]] for stealing.<<endtimedreplace>>
<<timedreplace 2s >>You enter the gas station. The sliding doors close behind you. The gas station is run by an older man. He notices you enter and beings to monitor your actions. You go about your business browsing the aisles before making your way to the [[snack aisle]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/Ding.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/store.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>
<<timedreplace 1s >>There is police officer sitting in the driver seat. You don't see his partner around. The officer makes eye contact with you and begins monitoring you as you cross the street. You quickly break eye contact, still feeling his gaze on you, and [[continue on your way]].\n<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n
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You grab bag of your favorite chips. You are in the mood for something salty today, and chips are always a safe "go to" for snacks. You reaffirm your decision by rotating the bag in your hands. \n\nWill you [[go to the beverage aisle]] or [[leave without paying]]?
In the snack aisle there are rows upon rows of sweet and salty snacks to choose from:\n\nYou choose:\n\n[[Snickers ]]\n[[Chips ]]\n[[Skittles ]]\n
<<set $ran to "true">>\nIt's really cold outside so you decide to run home.You run past the playground. No one is around of course because of the weather. As you pass the playground. Suddenly you hear what sounds like police sirens behind you followed by someone yelling.\n\n<<timedreplace 10s>>"STOP RIGHT THERE!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s>>You are not sure if the voice is directed at you.\n\n[[Stop]] or [[Run faster]]?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/running.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>
You arrive at the gas station. There is are a couple of people filling up their tanks, and a man wiping the front windshield of his car. \n\nLeaning against the wall near the gas station is another police officer. He seems to be making small talk with some guy. Perhaps this is the partner of the officer you saw earlier? Still talking to the man, he glances at you from the corner of his eye as you walk past him and into the [[gas station store]].
<<display "Timer Addon2">>\n<<set_timer_mode "display">>\n<<set_timer_param "Timer Ended2">>\n<<start_timer 15.02>>\n<<timedreplace 1s >> I can't breathe!<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 2s >> I can't <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 3s >>breathe<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 5s >> I <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 6s >>can't <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 7s >>breathe<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 9s >> I <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 10s >>ca<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 11s >>n't <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 12s >>br<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 13s >>ea<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 14s >>the<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 15s >>...<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<set $choked to "true">>\n\nCLICK---> <button>STRUGGLE</button>
You decide to walk home in the rain. You walk past the playground. No one is outside of course because of the weather. As you pass the playground, you feel as though you are [[being followed]].
"Okay, fine. I'm going to get my drink and leave. (Racist...)"\n\nYou go to the [[beverage aisle]].
<<timedreplace 2s >>This is what happens when you wear your hoodie with the hood up. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 8s >>Apparently you were shot by neighborhood watch coordinator.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 15s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 19s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n
<<timedreplace 6s >>"You shot me!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>"Why did <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 11s >>you shoot<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 13s >> me...?"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 16s >>"I told you to [[stop.]]"<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<set $shotbywatch to "true">>\n<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n\n
You turn your head to discover someone is following you. You don't know who this person is so you start to pick up your pace. You walk a bit faster<<timedreplace 5s >>, and faster<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 7s >>, and faster, until you are in almost sprint. The person is still following keeping up with your pace.<<endtimedreplace>> \n<<timedreplace 10s >>\n[[Sprint even faster]] \n[[Confront the man]]? <<endtimedreplace>>
You decide to leave your head exposed. The rain is cold, but apparently its safer to walk around without the hood on.\n\nDecide to [[walk home]] and suffer through the cold rain\n[[Run home]] to get out of this weather faster.
<<if $ran is "true">>\n<<print "Why did you run?">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $snack is "skittles" and $drink is "Arizona Iced Tea">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin had skittles and Arizona Iced Tea on you at your times of death.">>\n<<else>>\n<<if $snack is "skittles">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin had skittles on you at your times of death.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $drink is "Arizona Iced Tea">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin had Arizona Iced Tea at your times of death.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $wearingHoodie is "true">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin chose to wear the hood of your hoodie up.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $shotintheback is "true">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin were pinned down and shot in the back.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $shotintheback is "true">>\n<<print "You and Trayvon Martin were pinned down and shot in the back by the neighborhood watch.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $choked is "true">>\n<<print "You and Eric Garner were locked in a chokehold for 32 seconds.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $shot8times is "true">>\n<<print "You and Walter Scott were shot 8 times in the back.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $cuffedandshot is "true">>\n<<print "You and Oscar Grant were shot in the back while handcuffed.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $choked is "true">>\n<embed src="Desktop/breathe.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n<<else>>\n<embed src="Desktop/protest.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n<<endif>>
It's 6PM. You're craving a snack, but you and your friends had already eaten everything in your pantry last night when they came over to hang out. You don't want to go to the grocery store because you know you'll end up having to buy a bunch of groceries for the house along with the snack. Fortunately, you live pretty close to a gas station. \n\nWill make a quick run to the [[gas station]] or [[just stay home]] and buy snacks tomorrow?
<<timedreplace 1s >>"I didn't steal anything!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>"Empty your pockets."<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 4s >>The officer releases you and you hesitantly take the snack out of your pocket and toss it on the ground. You pull out the rest of your pockets to show that you had only taken one thing.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>"Alright kid, I'm going to have to [[take you in]]."<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\n
<embed src="Desktop/Ding.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >> After leaving the gas station you notice that is is now dark outside and it has started lightly raining.The rain, however, feels especially cold on your skin because of the current temperature outside.\n\nWill you[[ pull hood over head]] and protect yourself from the rain, or[[ leave head exposed]] to the elements?<<endtimedreplace>>
This game was designed to understand how privilege affects daily life.\n\nChoose a difficulty: \n\n[[EASY]]\n[[HARD]]\n
<<timedreplace 1s >>The owner takes the item from you. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 3s >>"Don't come to my gas station again. You can let h-- go."<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 6s >>"I'll let you off with a warning this time, but if I catch you again I'll going to have to take you in."<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 10s >>You are dismissed and you go home.<<endtimedreplace>>
#timer_text\n{\n\tdisplay: none;\n\tcolor: #000000; /* Jonah */\n\tcolor: #BBBBBB; /* Sugarcane */\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 28px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n#timer_canvas\n{\n\tdisplay: none;\n\twidth: 150px;\n\theight: 150px;\n}\n\n#timer {\n\tposition: fixed;\n\ttop: 25%;\n\tleft: 70%;\n}\n\nimg {\n\tmargin-left: 25%;\n\n\t\n}\n
You arrive at the gas station. There is are a couple of people filling up their tanks, and a man wiping the front windshield of his car. Leaning against the wall near the gas station is another police officer. He appears to be on a smoking break. Perhaps this is the partner of the officer you saw earlier? You walk past him and into the[[ gas station]].
This passage does not exist: EASY
<<timedreplace 6s >>"You shot me!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>"Why did <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 11s >>you shoot<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 13s >> [[me]]...?"<<endtimedreplace>>\n<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n\n\n
You decide to leave your head exposed. The rain is cold, but a little rain won't hurt you, right? You could[[ walk home]](although you would probably be soaking wet by the time you get home), or you could[[ run home]] and get out of this weather faster.
You are caught. You pull the snack out of your pocket, turn around and place it on th check out counter. The owner tells you not to come back to this gas station and asks that you leave.\n\nYou go home.
<<set $drink to "soda">><<set $hasBag to "true">>You grab a bottle of soda. Carbonated beverages are always your go to. You pay for your <<print $snack>> and <<print $drink>> before you [[depart the gas station]].
<<timedreplace 1s >>"Look, look, look, we've had someone who meets your description shoplifting from here earlier this week, okay? So I'm just trying to do my job and make sure nothing gets taken. So please go about your business before I ask you to leave." <<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 6s >> \n[[Just leave]]. \nGo to the [[beverage aisle]].\nTake your <<print $snack>> and [[leave without paying for it.]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n
<<timedreplace 2s >>According to reports the officer was reaching for his taser and accidentally shot you.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 8s >>Perhaps you shouldn't have been running at night?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 15s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<set $cuffedandshot to "true">>\n<<timedreplace 18s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n
You walk directly past the man and towards the sliding doors. But before you can exit the gas station, the man starts shouting.\n\n<<timedreplace 4s >>"THIEF!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 5s >>"HE'S STEALING!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 7s >>You [[make a break for it]].<<endtimedreplace>>
You stop and turn to face the pursuer. \n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>"Why are you following me?"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 4s >>He aims a gun at you.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 6s >>"You are going to die tonight."<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>"[[Don't shoot!]]"\n[[Wrestle for the gun]].\n[[Run.]]<<endtimedreplace>>
As you walk to the gas station you pass by the playground of the other neighborhood. It's late so no kids are playing on it, but this area is usually pretty lively with children laughing and screaming. It has been rather quiet these days however. \n\nA couple feet ahead of you is a narrow street. Parked on the side of the street is a police cruiser. As you pass by you [[turn your head ]]to see if anyone is in the vehicle.
<<set $snack to "chips">>You grab bag of your favorite chips. You are in the mood for something salty today, and chips are always a safe "go to" for snacks. You rotate the bag in your hands, but as you do so, you feel as though you are being [[watched]].\n
<<timedreplace 2s >> After leaving the gas station you notice that it is now dark outside and it has started raining. The rain feels especially cold on your skin because of the current temperature outside. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>[[Pull hood over your head]] and protect yourself from the rain. \n[[Leave your head exposed]].\n<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/Ding.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/rain.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>
You grab a bar of snickers. A perfect combination of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and nougat. You reaffirm your decision by rotating the bar in your hands. \n\nWill you [[go to the beverage aisle]] or [[leave without paying]]?
You grab a bottle of water. You just want something that will quench your thirst, what better beverage than water? Now that you have a snack and a drink to go with it, you decide to pay and head back home. At the check out counter you realize you forgot your card at home, you have some cash but it looks like you are short 50 cents. The owner tells you not to worry about it and reaches into a small bowl of change. He pulls out two quarters and tell you you are "all set." You thank him and he tells you to have a nice day. You[[ depart the gas station]].
You decide to walk home in the rain. Your head and shoulders are soaked in cold rain when you get home. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to walk home in the freezing cold rain, but hey, you only live once. You wake up the next morning with a fever. You'll survive.
There is police officer sitting in the driver seat. You don't see his partner around. The officer makes eye contact and gives you slight smile and a nod. You feel a sense of security as you return the gesture and[[ continuine on your way]].
<<set $snack to "snickers">> You grab a snickers bar. A perfect combination of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and nougat. You rotate the bar in your hands, but as you do so, you feel as though you are being [[watched]].\n
The next thing you know you are tackled to the ground, your hands are quickly detained behind your back. The officer lifts you to the ground. The gas station owner catches up to you and demands you return the item you stole.\n\nYou [[tell him]] where it is,[[tell him off]], or [[insist]] that you didn't steal anything.
The next thing you know you are tackled to the ground, your hands are quickly detained behind your back. The officer lifts you to the ground. The gas station owner catches up to you and demands you return the item you stole.\n\nYou [[tell him]] where it is,[[tell him off]], or [[insist]] that you didn't steal anything.
As it turns out, the gas station owner has been following you around the store. You make eye contact and he quickly goes back to "restocking" the sunflower seeds. \n\n[[Confront]] the owner or ignore him and go to the [[beverage aisle]]?
<<display "Timer Addon">>\n<<set_timer_mode "display">>\n<<set_timer_param "Timer Ended">>\n<<start_timer 6>>\n<<display "Shot">>\n<<timedreplace 2s >>Don't Shoot!<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 3s >> I don't have a gun!<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 4s >> I don't want to die!<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 5s >> I want to go home!<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 6s >> HELP!<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<set $shot to "true">>\nCLICK---> <button>RUN</button>\n
You walk out the door of your house. The air is cold as you expected, fortunately the gas station is only a few blocks away and you know a short cut through a nicer neighborhood. Your neighborhood is pretty quiet, however you've noticed that there has been a higher police presence in the area due to some reported "criminal activity." The cold starts to get to you so you begin [[walking]].
It's 6PM. You're craving a snack, but you and your friends had already eaten everything in your pantry last night when they came over to hang out. You don't want to go to the grocery store because you know you'll end up having to buy a bunch of groceries for the house along with the snack. Fortunately, you live pretty close to a gas station. \n\nWill you [[go to the gas station ]]or [[just stay home ]]and buy snacks tomorrow?
You stop.\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>"DON'T MOVE!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>You turn your head to look behind you. (Is this guy actually talking to you?)<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 8s >>The officer is talking to you.<<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 10s >> And not just that, <<endtimedreplace>><<timedreplace 11s >> he has his gun pointed at you.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 15s>>"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 17s>>[[Do as he says]].\n[[Run.]]<<endtimedreplace>>
In the snack aisle there are rows upon rows of sweet and salty snacks to choose from:\n\nYou choose:\n\n[[Snickers]]\n[[Chips]]\n[[Skittles]]\n
You decide to stay home for the night. It'd be too much of a hassle to go out now. You enjoy a peaceful night at home.
You decide to go to the gas station to grab snack. It's spring and still a bit chilly outside. The sky shows signs of potential rain. You put on your hoodie before you [[head out]] to the gas station.
You bolt out of the doors and outside into rain. It had started raining while you were in the gas station, and the cold rain came as a shock to your skin. \n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>But didn't you forget something?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 7s >>What about the officer who was just outside the station?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 10s >>[[Run]].<<endtimedreplace>>
You decide to confront the owner.\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>"Excuse me, sir, why are you following me?" <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 5s >>"I'm not following you." <<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedreplace 6s >>(He looks uneasy like he's been exposed. You caught him.) <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 9s >>[[Insist]] or go to the [[beverage aisle]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n
Once in the beverage isle you are faced with rows and rows of drinks.\n\nYou choose:\n\n[[Soda ]]\n[[Iced Tea ]]\n[[Water ]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" hidden></iframe> \n\n<<display "Shot">>\n<<timedreplace 6s >>What did you run for? <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 12s >>This is what happens when you run.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 16s >>People will find out about your death.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 19s >>Your death will start protests around the country.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 24s >>May your death not be in [[vain]].<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\n
<<timedreplace 7s >> Did you think you would get away?<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 10s >> Don't you know the penalty for stealing is death? <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 13s >> At least it is for [[people like you]]. <<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<embed src="Desktop/gunshot.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n
<embed src="Desktop/Ding.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>You enter the gas station and the sliding doors close behind you. The gas station is run by an older man. He acknowleges your entrance and greets you with a grin.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\n<<timedreplace 6s >>"Hello!"<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\n<<timedreplace 7s >>"Hello." You say as you make your way over to the[[ snack aisle]]. <<endtimedreplace>>
You aren't going to try to out run him. Instead you immediate surrender the item. The owner retrieves it and tells you never to come back to this gas station. The officer lets you off with a stern warning.\n\nYou go home.
<<silently>>\n<<set $TimerAddon = \nfunction()\n{\n\tvar div_timer_container = document.createElement('div');\n\tdiv_timer_container.setAttribute('id', 'timer');\n\n\tvar div_timer_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('id', 'timer_canvas');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('width', '150');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.setAttribute('height', '150');\n\tdiv_timer_canvas.width = div_timer_canvas.width;\n\tdiv_timer_container.appendChild(div_timer_canvas);\n\t\n\tvar div_timer_text = document.createElement('span');\n\tdiv_timer_text.setAttribute('id', 'timer_text');\n\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = "R U N!";\n\tdiv_timer_container.appendChild(div_timer_text);\n\n\tvar Timer_Active = false;\n var Timer_Paused = false;\n\tvar Timer_Mode = 'none';\n\tvar Timer_Param = "";\n\tvar Timer_Max = 0;\n\tvar Timer_Now = 0;\n \n\tvar div_jonah_floater = document.getElementById('floater');\n\tif(div_jonah_floater) \t\tdiv_jonah_floater.appendChild(div_timer_container);\n\n\tvar div_sugarcane_menu = document.getElementById('sidebar');\n\tif(div_sugarcane_menu) div_sugarcane_menu.appendChild(div_timer_container);\n\n\tfunction StartTimer(val)\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Active = true;\n\t\tTimer_Paused = false;\n\t\tTimer_Max = val;\n\t\tTimer_Now = val;\n\t\ = 'block';\n\t\ = 'block';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction StopTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Active = false;\n\t\ = 'none';\n\t\ = 'none';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction PauseTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Paused = true;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction ResumeTimer()\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Paused = false;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerText(text)\n\t{\n\t\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = text;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerMode(mode)\n\t{\n\t\tif(mode == 'display')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Mode = 'display';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(mode == 'restart')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Mode = 'restart';\n\t\t}\n\t\telse Timer_Mode = 'none';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction SetTimerParam(param)\n\t{\n\t\tTimer_Param = param;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction OnTimerEnd()\n\t{\n\t\tStopTimer();\n\t\tif(Timer_Mode == 'restart')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tstate.restart();\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Param) alert(Timer_Param);\n\t\t\twindow.location.reload(true);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} \n\t\telse if(Timer_Mode == 'display')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tstate.display(Timer_Param[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction OnTimerTick()\n\t{\n\t\t\n\n\t\tif(Timer_Active && !Timer_Paused)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tTimer_Now = Timer_Now - 0.1;\n\t\t\tif (Timer_Now<= 3){\n\t\t\t\tdiv_timer_text.innerHTML = "FASTER!";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Now <= 0) Timer_Now = 0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvar context = div_timer_canvas.getContext("2d");\n\t\t\tdiv_timer_canvas.width = div_timer_canvas.width;\n\n\t\t\tvar x = div_timer_canvas.width / 2;\n\t var y = div_timer_canvas.height / 2;\n\t var radius = 65;\n\t var startAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI;\n\t \n\t var endAngle = (1.5 + (2 / Timer_Max * Timer_Now)) * Math.PI;\n\t var counterClockwise = false;\n\n\t context.beginPath();\n\t context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise);\n\t context.lineWidth = 15;\n if(div_jonah_floater) context.strokeStyle = "black";\n\t if(div_sugarcane_menu) context.strokeStyle = "#BBBBBB";\n\t context.stroke();\n\n\t\t\tcontext.font = 'bold 30px sans-serif';\n\t\t\tif(div_jonah_floater) context.fillStyle = "black";\n\t\t\tif(div_sugarcane_menu) context.fillStyle = "#BBBBBB";\n\t\t\tcontext.fillText(Timer_Now.toFixed(1), 55, 85);\n\n\t\t\tif(Timer_Now <= 0) OnTimerEnd();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tsetInterval(function(){ OnTimerTick(); }, 100); \n\n\tmacros['start_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tStartTimer(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['stop_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tStopTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['pause_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tPauseTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['resume_timer'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tResumeTimer();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_text'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerText(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_mode'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerMode(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tmacros['set_timer_param'] =\n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(obj, fnc, val)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tSetTimerParam(val);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n}\n>>\n<<print $TimerAddon()>>\n<<endsilently>>
You look over at the counter to see the owner busy checking out a customer. You slip the snack into your right pocket and make your way to the door. Just as you are about to exit the gas station you hear someone say aloud.\n\n"Hey I think that person something!"\n\n"Excuse me--?"\n\nYou[[run ]], [[walk out casually]], or [[return the item]].
You are now in a full on run. The man yells at you to stop, but you don't you just [[keep running]]...\n\n<embed src="Desktop/runningbeat.mp3" hidden="true"></embed>